#test updates in watchtower with ntfy notification docker stop nginx # list previous nginx images then pipe them into removal docker image ls --filter='reference=nginx:*' -q | xargs docker rmi -f # remove dangling layers, avoid "already exists messages" docker image prune # pull old version docker pull nginx:1.26 # tag that mofo docker image tag nginx:1.26 nginx:1 # important: run the container docker run --rm --detach --name nginx nginx:1 # watchtower run once and notify docker run --rm --net proxy --name watchtower2 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -e WATCHTOWER_CLEANUP=false -e TZ=America/New_York -e WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_SKIP_TITLE=True -e WATCHTOWER_NOTIFICATION_URL="ntfy://:token_goes_here@ntfy.meftimes.com/alerts?title=Watchtower&priority=high" containrrr/watchtower --debug --run-once nginx